Poisonous Salts

Brain Salt



“The best thing about effervescent brain salt is that it’s not immediately clear whether it’s salt to make effervescent brains even more delicious, or salt to give you an effervescent brain, or effervescent salt for brains. Also, it appears to come in a Tabasco bottle, and everything that comes in a tabasco bottle is always awesome.”

— from Cory Doctorow, science fiction author and co-editor of the weblog Boing Boing.


A man wrote:

“I’ve come to the conclusion that you need minerals from the earth as-well-as from organic organisms. It’s the reason why animals lick at the earth at naturally occurring mineral licks.”

And then attached the following article:


I wrote:

No you haven’t.

















The salt lick thing is a bogus argument. If it were true, then ALL animals would HAVE TO find salt licks. Animals are just like us and can easily get addicted to stimulants like salt. You will notice that none of these articles state that they KNOW why the animals go to the licks. The most probable reason they find is to eat clay, which is a rare negatively charged dirt and it acts as a sweep, cleaning out the body magnetically, much like pure water does. There IS NO nutrient value to this clay, it is a physical broom or sweeping tool, NOT A NUTRIENT.

You will also notice a HUGE glaring omission which is SO VERY COMMON these days. There is not one single discussion about whether these are organic or inorganic minerals, whether they are alive or dead. They just simply state “sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and zinc.” They NEVER list whether they are talking about the organic or the inorganic version of these minerals. It’s not the scientists fault either, this ALL-IMPORTANT issue has been completely removed and deleted from all nutritional education.

When discussing nutrition, you HAVE TO state whether you are talking about living, light-infused matter or dead, light-depleted matter.



The following was found in the wikipedia article: 

“Mineral lick sites play a critical role in the ecology and diversity of organisms that visit these sites, “””HOWEVER, LITTLE IS UNDERSTOOD ABOUT THE DIETARY BENEFITS”””

“””NOT FOR NUTRITION”””, but to ward off the effects of secondary compounds that are included in the arsenal of plant defences”


The following was found in the footnotes of the wiki article….

STUDY: “Nutrition or Detoxification: Why Bats Visit Mineral Licks of the Amazonian Rainforest”


“We conclude that pregnant and lactating fruit-eating bats do not visit mineral licks principally for minerals, but instead to buffer the effects of secondary plant compounds that they ingest in large quantities during periods of high energy demand. These findings have potential implications for the role of mineral licks for mammals in general, including humans.”


The following was also found in the footnotes of the wiki article….

STUDY: “Mineral Licks as Diversity Hotspots in Lowland Forest of Eastern Ecuador”

“Mineral licks are sites where a diverse array of mammals and birds consume soil (geophagy) or drink water, “””LIKELY””” for mineral supplementation.”

“Mineral licks provide an important resource for many species “””BUT FURTHER STUDIES ARE NEEDED””” to determine the precise benefit(s) obtained.”

“Among the “””SUGGESTED””” benefits are mineral supplementation, detoxification of plant secondary compounds, and alleviation of digestive disorders”

“Given that soil or water from mineral licks “””MAY””” provide a dietary supplement of some type”


You will notice that ALL of these people admit that NONE of them have any real clues as to why A FEW animals go to salt licks.

It’s always, “suggested,” “likely,” or “may.”


Here are some excerpts from a newspaper article published in the THE BATTLE CREEK IDEA on January 9th, 1908 by Dr. John Kellogg…


“I found the scientific evidence rapidly accumulating that salt is a damaging thing, and within the last four or five years the evidence has been coming overwhelmingly from Germany and France. By the most eminent of scientific men in the world the fact has been proven that salt is an unnecessary article of food.

The great majority of human beings eat no salt. In all central Africa there is no salt at all, and the millions of central Africa never taste salt. When America discovered by Columbus, the great number of Indians who people this country at that time ate no salt, and up to within a very short time, salt has not been used by the North American Indians. A friend of mine who kept a store out in the Indian Territory for some twenty years preceding the civil war told me that at that time the Indians ate no salt, never used it, any of them, and they never did use it until they were gradually accustomed to use it by using the government rations of salt pork and salt beef.

In going across the ocean some six or seven years ago, I met a gentlemen who was a missionary away up on the Hudson Bay, and been working up in the Hudson Bay region for twenty years as a missionary, an archdeacon in the Episcopal church. And this gentleman I found was with a tribe of Indians up there; and I improved the opportunity to talk with him quite extensively about the habits of the people, and he told me one thing that interested me very much. He said, ‘The people of that country do not use salt. The Indians are very much opposed to the use of salt.’

The experiment has been successfully made. I made it myself; for ten years I ate not a particle of salt; yet the physiologists and the doctors all said we must eat salt.”

— Dr. John Kellog, January 9th, 1908

“Millions of the human race have lived healthfully, and died of a good ripe old age, without employing it at all; furthermore, hundreds of thousands of human beings now live in the enjoyment of good health, who have never used salt either as a food or a condiment.”

— from Dr. R. T. Trall, M.D., “Hydropathic Encyclopedia,” Vol. I, Page 886

“I think it would not be difficult to show that there are whole nations and tribes of people who do not eat salt. I am told by an Italian, who has lived among them, that the Algerines do not. I was myself informed while in the region that the Indian tribes inhabiting the banks of the Columbia and Puget Sound do not. It is noteworthy also that those tribes are among the most graceful, intelligent and industrious tribes in North America, and are fine in personal appearance. I think that there is little doubt that the inhabitants of the islands of the Pacific Ocean lived from a period of vast antiquity, explorers have been left for weeks, months and years without a supply of salt by accident or otherwise, and have survived without apparent injury. Finally, there are many persons in the United States who have voluntarily abandoned the use of salt for periods ranging from one to twenty years (and for aught I know longer), not only without injury but with increased health, strength and activity. So far from being natural to man, the instincts of children, especially when born free from an inherited bias in its favor, go to show by their rejection of it that it is unnatural. Like the taste for coffee,tea and various seasonings, it is an acquired one; few, if any children but will prefer unsalted food.”

— from Richard T. Colbum, in “The Salt Eating Habit”

“Although the interior parts of our continent abound with salt springs, yet I cannot find that the Indians used salt in their diet till they were instructed to do so by Europeans.”

— from Dr. Benjamin Rush, who made a careful study of the habits of the American Indians a hundred years ago and found them to be very healthy.

“Mr. Wm. Bryant, of Philadelphia, who went with a company of 120 men, under the U. S. Government. beyond the Rocky mountains, to conduct to their far Western homes, the Indian chiefs who were brought to the seat of government by Lewis and Clark, says that for more than two years they lived as Indians did, without tobacco, narcotic or alcoholic substance and without salt. Most of these men suffered with various chronic complaints when they left the East, but all of them were restored to good health during their sojourn in the wilds of the West.”

— from, The Reverend Sylvester Graham, who was an early American dietary reformer.

“On many occasions, I myself have offered them some surplus articles of food left by us after our meals. Soups and meats cooked in the usual way and seasoned with salt,they would invariably refuse, after tasting, saying in their own language, it was not good. Of the same kind of meats cooked without salt, they would eat heartily and with gusto. Bread, hard bread,crackers, etc., they would also eat, but anything they could taste salt in they would invariably refuse.” He says that even when they were hungry they would refuse foods in which they could taste salt.” In other bands (of Indians) that we saw, it (salt) is an article of medicine rather than an article of food.” Describing these men he says: “A more athletic, hearty, stout and robust class of men cannot be found in the world than these very Indians of whom I am writing, who never used this article (salt) in any shape. Many of them are more than six feet high, others of medium size, and they will endure more hardship, stand more fatigue,have better lungs, suffer less from sickness, live longer, on a general average, than the white race, who have all conveniences.”

— Dr. Hoffman of the U. S. Army, writing in the San Francisco Medical Press in 1864, gives us an account of experiences he had with some of the “wild Indians” who inhabited the Western plans, as he passed, with the army over these in 1849. The Indians frequently visited their camp.

“it required the lapse of several generations after the conquest of Mexico to reconcile the Tlascalans, “a bold and hardy peasantry,” of Mexico, to the use of salt in their food. The Indians of Northern Mexico still use no salt in their food. Those of the Hudson Bay district and a few isolated regions still thrive without salt. If Hudson Bay Indians are forced to eat salted meat, they first soak it over night in an abundance of water. They then add freshwater and boil it for an hour. They pour this water off and add fresh water and cook again.”

— from the historian, William H. Prescott

“About 1912 I gave up the use of salt. Up to that time I had been a heavy user of salt. At first I missed it from my foods. After a time I did not relish foods in which I could detect the taste of salt. I enjoy the fine delicate flavors of the foods much more than I ever enjoyed the flavor of salt. I have never missed salt after the first weeks after giving it up. I have never had a craving for it. My health has not suffered in any manner from lack of it.I have brought up three children – ages 23, 20 and 17 – without salt. Their mother did not take salt before and during pregnancy nor during lactation. These children have been reared from conception without salt. They are well developed, strong and healthy and brimming over with energy and enthusiasm. Although they were reared as vegetarians, who are supposed to need salt most of all, they have not needed salt.”

— from Vilhjalmur Stefansson , a Canadian Arctic explorer and ethnologist.

“Vilhjalmar Stefanson found the Eskimos to be very healthy,yet none of these peoples ever use salt. Indeed Stefanson tells us that they greatly dislike it. The Siberian natives have no use for salt. In Africa most Negroes live and die without ever hearing of this “essential of life.” In Europe for long periods salt was so expensive that only the rich could afford it.”

“Bartholomew found the Chinese of the interior to be healthy and that they do not use salt. The Bedouins consider the use of salt ridiculous. The high-landers of Nepal refuse salt, as do the Kamschatdales. Millions of natives of Central Africa have never tasted salt. The Darmas of Southwest Africa “never take salt by any chance.”

“In Thoreau’s account of his life in the woods, he refers to salt as “that grossest of groceries,”and tells us that he discontinued its use and found that he was less thirsty thereafter while suffering no ill effects. He also says that he found that the Indians whom he encountered in his wandering did not use it.”

“Since the time Graham started his crusade and condemned the use of salt along with all other condiments, literally hundreds of thousands of people in America have discontinued the use of salt,many families of children have been reared without it, and no harm has ever come from abstinence from this “essential of animal life.” For more than twenty years I have excluded salt from the diets of my patients and have watched them get well without this supposed-to-be indispensable article of “diet.” Some of these patients have not returned to the use of salt after leaving my care. Some of them have reared their children without it. Nowhere has any evidence of any harm from a lack of salt been observable.

Why, with all the historical, observational, empirical and experimental evidence that is available bearing on this subject, will men continue to declare that ‘salt is essential to animal life’?

Why will they ignore the facts and cling to a superstition?”

— from, Felix L. Oswald, founder of www.realrawfood.com





A must read…

“Sea Salt, Is It Good For You?”

“Well well well Growing up Salt is looked at and called “the Spice of Life”, we should “Take all with a Grain of Salt”, its been revered and deemed of great value for Literal Ages! When we look at the properties, effects and supposed benefits of salt its no wonder why its played such a large role in our history. From the many varieties of “sea Salt” to Mined “rock salts” all of different character and colour Salt has been Used to Preserve, Pickle, Dry, and Stimulate the tastebuds!

When you really think about it Before we started Tilling the earth and digging up Tubers, Harvesting Grains and cooking our food (less than 1% of our time on the Planet) we Have been eating whole fresh ripe raw foods that didn’t really require anything to “pep” them up! Eating seasonally from the abundance nature has to offer in our ideal habitat the need to Store, preserve, Pickle is basically Nil. Moving outside of our natural environment has in part caused us to degrade over to a Comparatively Bland Diet made up of Cooked Starches and Meats, adding Salt makes that otherwise relitively Bland food Taste good!

The Hook is The more Salt you use the more Hooked you become to using it. The processed food industry uses this to their advantage, more so in the past before people knew the dangers of a High salt diet. Most processed foods are high in some form of salt and some form of Sugar, usually the cheapest one that the public accepts. The nature of these foods is to stimulate while under delivering on Nutrients, creating a “need” to eat more and more and more.

I feel we have stepped away from the original question posed, Is Sea Salt Good for you? Most people Know Iodized Salt isn’t so healthful, in fact most people today understand that ingesting Salt can can deeply impact almost all biochemical pathways in your body. When most people talk about salt they are thinking of Sodium Chloride, the principal component of common table salt. Sodium chloride, NaCl, and water, H2O, are formed by neutralization of sodium hydroxide, NaOH, a base, with hydrogen chloride, HCl, an acid: HCl+NaOH?NaCl+H2O. Sea salt is not so different, obtained by the evaporation of seawater or Mined from Old Sea beds and Caves (rock Salt). Its mineral content gives it a different taste and slightly different chemical composition from table salt. The additional minerals include Sulfate, Magnesium, Potassium and Calcium among other trace minerals.

The Minerals I eat Salt for the Minerals!! This is often the Call made to convince people to eat Sea Salt. Despite the Known Dangers of a High Salt/sodium diet (listed below) the minute Mineral Content of Sea Salt is Driven in as a really good reason to eat this Otherwise Toxic stimulant. I find it strange that we would eat a known poison to get a small amount of minerals when Perfectly healthful whole foods contain the minerals we need in abundance! Chew a few more greens and rejoice in eating the Highest Mineral Content Food Per Calorie on the Planet!!!

Lets look at those Minerals anyhow…

Inorganic minerals as found in all types of Sea and Rock salt were never living, they come without carbon and cannot bring life to cells. The body treats these metals like toxins that must be eliminated at cost of vitality and cellular health. The Covalent Bonds are tightly held together and thus they cannot be easily broken down, due to this they can become deposited in the joints and tissues if they are not eliminated. Contrary to the electrons in the human body their electrons spin counter-clockwise, out of sync.

Organic minerals were once living, or are living and can bring life to cells. These contain carbon, often carbohydrate and their electrons spin clockwise, just like those of the human body. Additionally, these cells can form an ionic bond with the body and can easily break down into materials to help with bodily function, such as tissue repair. Its interesting to note the vibratory rate of organic minerals is comparable to tissue and cells. Inorganic minerals are not.

Inorganic Minerals as they exist in nature are found in the soil and water, Orgainic minerals on the other hand are found in plants and animals. Only plants (with the help of Bactria) can transform inorganic minerals into organic minerals. As Inorganic Minerals are useless and Injurious animals must eat plants or plant-eating animals to obtain their organic minerals.

An example of this is arsenic. Arsenic in the chemical, metal or inorganic state can be a lethal poison, however, when found in organic form in fresh celery and asparagus it is Healthful.

Rock Minerals are indeed healthful for plants, that is in the growing and creation of healthfull plants and the Fruits there of! I would encourage the use of Rock dust and such as a option for a great mineral rich garden! With the help of Bacteria around the root hairs of plants, Inorganic minerals are converted into Organic minerals (mineral + carbon ) that can become a part of the cell structure of plants including Carbohydrates.

Beyond this scientific look into the validity of Sea Salt and the Minerals there in, I like to look at the common sense…

For one, if you are dying of thirst and you drink sea water, you will Die! Why is this? Because salt is extremely dehydrating. It sucks the moisture out of your tissues to try to create a balance between the sodium and potassium inside and outside of your cells, immediately you are thirsty and must drink water in order to regulate the Hydration levels within and outside of your cells. The bodies solution to pollution is Dilution, have some salt and you will need dilute it quick.

Pour salt on a cut, or a slug, actually don’t, we all know what happens, it burns in the case of the hand and kills the slug. What does it do to your insides? Used for pickling and preserving food, does that make sense to take into our temple? The Samurai used to commit suicide by ingesting a ounce of salt, thats all it took. These days because of our average salt consumption it may take up to 2 ounces.

Some people say, we have been using it for a long long time, its revered and thought to be sacred in some cultures. So have Drugs,Violence, cruel rituals and prostitution, just because something has been used by cultures for a long time or is seen as sacred doesn’t necessarily mean its a great thing. Using common sense looking from as many angles as possible while paying attention to Natures design works every time!

Taking some time away from eating salt one can easily notice the negative effects of eating even a minute amount of sea salt. Immediate dehydration, physiological stimulation and a want to use more, dull senses and reduced ability to taste subtler flavours and as you can see in the video A puffy bloated look due to the body sucking up water to dilute the salt. For a time after consuming overt salt (sea salt, sauces with salt, table salt) the body will shed sodium in sweat in a increased rate to get this substance out as much and fast as possible.

How much sodium and how much minerals do we need?

Enough, thats it!! How much is Enough?

That which we can easily get from whole fresh ripe raw organic fruits and vegetables. After 8 years on a raw food diet without Salt I am more than sure of this, My Doctor after 3 consecutive years of Blood tests, reviewing my mineral levels, vitamin levels, Protein levels, Fat levels, etc is sure of this. The ultra endurance athletes I know are more than sure of this and not worries about sodium even with their near inhuman feats!! I will soon be releasing my Interviews with DurianRider and Grant Campbell, two amazing Endurance and Ultra endurance athletes pushing the limits! They will share their gems of Knowledge on this subject and many more!

Common sense and nature bring us back to the simple truths.

The Following are the 7 major medical conditions that can arise from the overconsumtion of sodium. Its interesting to note that they are common with the mainstream using salt or sea salt but unheard of in raw foodists obtaining their Sodium in organic form from Whole fresh raw ripe plant foods.

Excerpted from 3fatchicks.com…

“1. High Blood Pressure – The number one medical consequence of high salt intake is hypertension. High intake of salt causes water retention and promotes abnormal influx of water molecules into your blood vessels. This action instantaneously increases your blood volume and blood pressure. Sudden rises of blood pressure can trigger life threatening cardiovascular emergencies like strokes and heart attacks. Reducing your sodium intake through diet can lower your blood pressure by as much as 25%.

2. Ventricular Hypertrophy and Heart Failure – A habit of eating salty food can also heighten your risk of non-blood pressure related heart diseases. Having higher than normal blood volume means that your heart has to work much harder to provide proper circulation. Over time, your heart can become abnormally large and your heart valves can become thinner. An enlarged heart is significantly weaker and can lead to symptoms like chest pains, breathlessness and chronic fatigue. Fatal cases like sudden cardiac arrest and heart failure can also occur.

3. Osteoporosis- Sodium inhibits your body’s absorption and utilization of calcium, leading to a loss of bone mass and increased porousness of your bones. Women after menopause, diabetics and elderly people who are already at high risk of osteoporosis should be especially careful about salt intake. Having a high salt diet can drastically heighten your chances for fractures and other skeletal deformations.

4. Kidney Disorders – Excess calcium and sodium that are not used by your body goes into your urine. This can increase the filtration load of your kidneys and increase the likelihood of crystal formation. Elevated blood pressure and blood volume are also extremely damaging to your kidneys.

5. Dehydration and Swelling – Feeling thirsty is a direct response after having salty food. This happens because excessive sodium in your blood draws water out of your cells and into your tissues. Dehydrated cells signal your brain for water. Having fluid filled tissue makes you look bloated and swollen, and these symptoms are especially severe in the lower parts of your body. Reducing your salt intake is an effective way of preventing swollen feet, ankles and calves.

6. Digestive Diseases – Sodium regulates the acid-base balance of blood and body fluids. Too much salt can trigger acid reflux and cause heart burn and long-term damage to your upper digestive tract. Studies have shown that habitual intake of salty foods is a strong risk factor for duodenal and gastric ulcers and cancers.

7. Electrolyte and Hormone Imbalance – Excessive sodium can impact both your electrolyte and hormone balance. Too much sodium can severely hinder the conduction of nerve impulses and induce symptoms like dizziness, muscle cramps and shakiness. You can also have impaired sensory response, feel disoriented or develop other depressive symptoms.”

— from, “Sea Salt, Is It Good For You?” from TheRawAdvantage.com





This is one of my favorite articles explaining the difference between organic and inorganic minerals. Swayze Foster also quickly and efficiently smacks down all the malarkey going around about Cell Salts…







“DO EPSOM SALTS WORK?” by Paul Ingraham, Vancouver, Canada, published 2006, updated Jan 16th, 2013

“There is no good reason to believe that Epsom salt baths aid recovery from muscle pain, soreness or injury…”
